STL-like ring buffer in C++11

This is a header-only ring/circular buffer implementation in C++11, with the following goals:

  • Reasonably performant.
  • Readable.
  • STL-compatible and STL-like.

There are two implementations: baudvine::RingBuf and baudvine::DequeRingBuf. They're meant to be functionally equivalent (mostly), but behave differently under water. Tests ideally cover both, expecting the same behaviour. Both behave like double-ended queues up until the point where they fill up, at which point pushing/emplacing at the front causes the element in the back to fall off (and vice versa).

baudvine::RingBuf is the primary implementation: it stores elements in a fixed-size, dynamically allocated array, and provides custom iterators as well as baudvine::copy for efficient copying.

baudvine::DequeRingBuf is included primarily for testing purposes. Because it's based on std::deque it's a bit less efficient (time, memory fragmentation) than the array-based one, but it's also a lot easier to trust since all the hairy math and allocation happens in the standard library.


#include <baudvine/ringbuf/ringbuf.h>
void demo()
buffer.push_back("Testing, ");
buffer.push_back("one, ");
assert(buffer.front() == "one, ");
assert(buffer.back() == "two.");

See test/examples.cpp for further usage examples. The high-level pitch is this: you can use it as an STL container, except it wraps like a ring buffer. You get iterators, front(), back(), push_back(), pop_front(), emplace_back(), range-for, all* the things you expect from a standard library container.


The project is header-only, so you only have to copy include/baudvine/ringbuf/ringbuf.h into your project. You should also be able to include it as a CMake subproject, but that's untested.

To build and run the tests, install CMake, then run:

mkdir build
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build

Or use your editor or IDE with CMake integration of choice.

reference back()
Returns he last element in the ring buffer.
Definition: ringbuf.h:581
reference front()
Returns the first element in the ring buffer.
Definition: ringbuf.h:571
An STL-like ring buffer with dynamic allocation and compile-time capacity limits.
Definition: ringbuf.h:337
void push_back(const_reference value)
Push a new element into the ring buffer, popping the front if necessary.
Definition: ringbuf.h:761